Hunger Striker Maced! Direct Calls to Warden’s Office Now! Update on WVCF SHU Hunger Strike

We have received word that one of the hunger strikers in the Secure Housing Unit at Wabash Valley CF in Carlisle, IN, was maced by the pigs on Thursday, in addition to the water in strikers’ cells being shut off. This repression must not be allowed to stand – – please keep the pressure up in the coming days!

In better news, we have also heard from Kwame Shakur that by the end of the day on Thursday the water had been turned back on in the strikers’ cells, no doubt due in large part to the public pressure Unit Team Manager Jerry Snyder is under. However, the water remains on in the cells at the discretion of individual shift managers, so we need to remain vigilant.

Finally, Kwame informed us that the strikers received a written response from Unit Team Manager Jerry Snyder – which would never even have happened in the first place without the hunger strike and public pressure – but the response passed responsibility for dealing with the strikers’ demands about their restricted commissary access on to the Warden, Richard Brown. So the hunger strike is still on, and we’re asking comrades and supporters to continue calling in the coming days, but to call Warden Richard Brown in addition to Unit Team Manager Jerry Snyder. Thank you for your support so far!

Unit Team Manager Jerry Snyder
812-398-5050 ext.4301

Warden Richard Brown

(812) 398-5050 ext. 2, ext. 8

You will likely not speak to Mr. Snyder or Mr. Brown, but if you do you can read the script below. If you do not speak with them, please leave the script as a message to the secretary or a voicemail.

Script: “I am calling to say that I am aware that several inmates on the Secure Housing Unit are currently on hunger strike and are demanding that they be able to order all needed items from commissary. I am in support of these strikers efforts and ask that you follow department policy in this matter. I am greatly concerned for the health and well being of not only the strikers but all inmates on the SHU.”
