Inside Reports

PHONE ZAP: Allow Sonny Davis to Visit his Mother Before She Passes!!
CALL IDOC HQ at (317) 232-5711 ext. 0 ext. 2 Sonny Davis #128888 Sonny Davis is currently incarcerated at the New Castle Correctional Facility, where…

Medical Irresponsibility at New Castle Correctional Facility
Demand to know why Khalfani’s New Castle Medical Dept. has neglected to have him taken offsite to get an update on his kidneys and prostate!

Conduct Unbecoming of IDOC staff
The voice of Indiana’s voiceless, Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun.

Legal Challenge Forces Confession and Change in Oppressive Picture Policy
Inmates successfully force IDOC to reverse extreme censorship measures.

Blackout Inside New Castle CF Annex: Letter from Bro. Khaldun
IDOC Watch correspondent describes conditions in the New Castle Annex.

Racial Discrimination, Unethical Behavior at Plainfield
Racial discrimination and illegal practices revealed.

Prison Wage Embezzlement Continues in IDOC
An IDOC Watch correspondent reveals wage theft at CIF.

Indiana State Prison’s Horrible Living Conditions March-April 2024
In two parts, an inmate describes the barbarous living conditions of Indiana State Prison.

IDOC Misconduct Earns $1.3 Billion Payday, Secures Indiana’s For-Profit Incarceration Business Model
A detailed analysis of the history and political economy of IDOC’s expansion.
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