Urgent: Prisoner Support Needed

Political prisoner Reverend Joy Powell needs your voice to be in Governor Kathy Hochul’s
ear regarding Powell’s time-commutation request. Powell has been wrongly incarcerated for
the last 17 years for her activism against police brutality, violence, and oppression in her
community in Rochester, NY.

The more of us who raise our voices, the better the chance Rev. Powell has of getting the justice she deserves. Raising a fuss from outside the walls works! Thanks in advance for taking the time to help with this important work.

CALL Gov. Hochul’s office: 1-518-474-8390 (see script below)

EMAIL Gov. Hochul’s office: Governor.Hochul@exec.ny.gov



The Honorable Kathy Hochul
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

TAG Gov. Hochul:


Governor Hochul,
I am writing/calling today to strongly support the time commutation request that was recently
submitted for Reverend Joy Powell, who has been imprisoned now for over 17 years for two
wrongful convictions. It is long overdue that Rev. Powell stop being illegally held for crimes she very
clearly did not commit.

Rev. Powell has continued to serve time despite the fact that there is zero evidence that she
committed either crime of which she was found guilty. In fact, in the case of the first burglary and
assault charge from 2007, the actual person in question was never arrested, questioned, or
pursued. The second cold murder case has zero evidence linked to Rev. Powell as well and,
through multiple analyses of the trial, it is also clear that the process was fraught with prosecutorial

As Rev. Powell has stated herself, many times, all she can ever be found guilty of is peacefully
protesting while unarmed for the many years that she supported youth in Rochester, speaking out
on the need for humane living conditions in neighborhoods such as Fulton Avenue.
Grant the time commutation request for Reverend Joy Powell!

Feautured image: Reverend Joy Powell posing for a photo. Credit: Free Joy Powell