Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice: Celebrating Prophet Day

This article was originally published on January 22 by the Indianapolis Liberation Center.

On January 8, two Indianapolis Liberation Center organizers were honored to speak at the Moorish Science Temple of America at the invitation of Sheik Ward-Bey. The special occasion was the combined celebration of Prophet Day (the 118th anniversary of Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s 118th birth) and the New Year’s Celebration.

We want to send our deepest gratitude to the Moorish Science Temple of America Grand Major Temple #1 for their sincerity in supporting the struggles of our people. Their actions are guided by the Moorish faith’s five principles: love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice, and their actions

Watch in this video as one of the organizers, Jok Huerta of IDOC Watch and the Co-Producer and Co-Director of the award-winning documentary, “The Pendleton Two: They Stood Up.” Then, join us at the Liberation Center on January 31 for a special screening of the film on the night before the 40th anniversary of the heroic 1985 prison uprising.

“Let’s get these brothers the freedom they deserve”