10/4/23: Law Library at Plainfield CF Closed Indefinitely Without Explanation

We received the following from IDOC Watch correspondent Aaron Isby, regarding the indefinite closure of the law library at Plainfield CF:

From: Isby, Aaron

Date Received: 10/04/2023 08:29 AM CDT

Subject: RE: Shut down law library!!!

I am in the law library today 10/4/23 at 8:13 a.m., Plainfield Correctional Facility. Out of the blue, the prison investigator here name Gaskins, comes in there with the Grievance specialist Jones, and Miller, and shut down the law library and tell everybody that they have to leave immediately! So, when I question them why they were shutting down the law library, the grievance specialist name Jones tells me to lower my tone, and I tell him I got legal mail I have to mail out today and I am on a deadline. Then Gaskins who is the Prison investigator tells me, well, "I am shutting it down and you can tell the Judge that!" So, this is what I am dealing with, some power high individual who believes he is above the law? In all my years of being in here, I have never seen a prison investigator shut down the law library, this is unprecedent and is an abuse of power!!! This needs to be communicated to the IDOC Commissioner and the ACLU? It does not look like I am going to get back to the law library today or anytime soon, this Gaskins character is trying to outlaw the law library here. I believe the current measures has alot to do with my case pending in the court of appeals on my credit time, IDOC are worried that I am going to win that issue? Aaron

IDOC Watch